Realtime FROG Laser Characterization

High-resolution FROG Frequency Resolved Optical Gating with visual feedback on all important pulse characteristics: pulse duration, spectral width, chirp, pulse front tilt, phase modulation, dispersion.

Frequency-Resolved Optical Gating allows for a complete recovery of pulse intensity and phase of ultrashort pulses with complex shapes. It can retrieve the full time-dependant electric field and the equivalent optical spectrum with spectral phase. In other words, FROG allows you to know the duration of your laser pulses, but also how to deal with the spectral phase to achieve the shortest possible pulse duration.

Single-shot or Multi-shot
get immediate results even on single laser pulses

Pulse retrieval starting at 4 femtoseconds
accurate results on fs-ultra-short pulses and ps-pulses

Proprietary hot-swap spectrometers
tailored to specific requirements (not limited by 3rd-party models), easily swappable for different wavelength ranges

Easy to Align
with the intuitive Femto Easy FROG laser software

Fast Single-Shot FROG

needs only one single pulse to measure the pulse properties

Multi-Shot FROG

measure pulses with energies as low as 5 pJ and covers a broad pulse duration range from 5 fs to 80 ps

Single-Shot or Multi-Shot FROG? 

Discover the FROG models of Femto Easy

Femto Easy’s single-shot and multi-shot models come with unique features and different configuration options. Compare the two model ranges and discover which FROG system meets your ultra-short pulse measurement needs best.



Model type1
Accumulated multi-shot
Use case
Single-pulse measurement,
Shot-to-Shot measurement
Extremely low energy pulses down to 5 pJ
Pulse duration range1
Short and mid-long pulses
Short and long pulses from 4 fs to 80 ps
Min pulse duration1
4 fs
4 fs
Max pulse duration1
10 ps
80 ps
Input Repetition Rate
Single-Shot to GHz
100 Hz to GHz
Spectral range (nm)1
480 - 2100
500 - 2100
Spectral Window Δλ (nm)1
300 - 540
200 - 700
1 Depending on FROG model configuration. See model pages for details.


Fast FROG software comes with an optimized retrieval algorithm, that allows you to retrieve time and spectral information in real time.

  • Live extraction of shot-to-shot pulse properties: temporal profile intensity and phase, fundamental spectrum and phase, Chirp, Third-order dispersion…
  • Super-fast reconstruction speed and quality due to the combination of several algorithms (including the Ptychographic Iterative Engine)
  • High dynamic and low signal-to-noise ratio secured by enhanced background & hot pixels treatment
  • Remote control through network (Client / Server interface)
  • All data exportable into most common formats

Single-Shot FROG in the Lab


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Impressive user experience

Our engineers employ the latest technologies and frameworks to create FROG solutions that combine a strong easy-to-use experience with high scientific performance.