BeamPro Low-profile Beam Profiler

Our slim-line offers high performance in a small housing

The slim-line beam profiler series from Femto Easy can be used wherever space is limited. The BeamPro software STAR uses standard communication protocols and is therefore easily integrable in any environment. Several BeamPro can be controlled from a remote screen through the network.

190 – 1100 nm & 375 – 1100 nm

Space-saving slim-lines: Low-profile & micro-low profile

Exclusive with Femto Easy

Low-profile beam profiler

Up to 10 Mpixel in a small footprint is available with the low-profile series.

Micro-low profile beam profiler

Even tinier with up to 8 Mpixel is offered by our micro-low-profile series.

High performance in smallest space


Femto Easy’s BeamPro slim-line beam profiler come with a user-friendly and powerful software at no additional costs. Compare the technical specifications and discover your favorite model.

光谱范围(nm)375 - 1100
190 - 1100(带紫外线扩展可选功能时)
传感器尺寸 (mm)SSMM
3.9 x 2.95.0 x 3.77.1 x 5.36.4 x 4.6
分辨率0.5 Mpx1.6 Mpx3.2 Mpx10.6 Mpx
808 x 6081448 x 10862056 x 15423480 x 2748
像素 (µm)4.83.453.451.67
(Φ FWHM, µm)1
Max acquisition frame
rate (fps)2
最小曝光时间46 µs17 µs24 µs34 µs3
价格■ ■■ ■ ■■ ■ ■
PC接口USB 3.1USB 3.1USB 3.1USB 2
同步Yes with trigger option
尺寸 (mm)40 x 45 x 12.5
1 该值取测量精度优于1%时的最小光束直径。更小的光束直径能够被测量,但误差会逐渐增大。

2 根据所需计算数据的不同,帧速率可能会有所不同。

3 由于滚动式快门,捕捉整个光束的实际最小曝光时间将受到光束尺寸或脉冲重复频率的限制(在单脉冲测量的情况下)光束尺寸越大,所需最小曝光时间越长,另一种情况下,重复率越慢,所需的最小曝光时间越长。
光谱范围(nm)375 - 1100
190 - 1100(带紫外线扩展可选功能时)
传感器尺寸 (mm)SSMMMM
4.2 x 2.44.8 x 3.75.7 x 4.36.6 x 4.27.2 x 5.47.7 x 4.3
分辨率2 Mpx1.2 Mpx5 Mpx2.3 Mpx2 Mpx8.3 Mpx
1920 x 10801280 x 9602592 x 19441920 x 12001600 x 12003840 x 2160
像素 (µm)2.23.752.23.454.52
Min beam diameter (Φ FWHM, µm)1111911172310
Max acquisition frame rate (fps)21554141606045
最小曝光时间31 µs330 µs52 µs317 µs20 µs80 µs3
价格■ ■ ■■ ■ ■■ ■■ ■ ■
位深12 / 16 (with HDR option)
PC接口USB 3.1
同步Yes with trigger option
尺寸 (mm)33 x 29 x 10.5
1 该值取测量精度优于1%时的最小光束直径。更小的光束直径能够被测量,但误差会逐渐增大。

2 根据所需计算数据的不同,帧速率可能会有所不同。

3 由于滚动式快门,捕捉整个光束的实际最小曝光时间将受到光束尺寸或脉冲重复频率的限制(在单脉冲测量的情况下)光束尺寸越大,所需最小曝光时间越长,另一种情况下,重复率越慢,所需的最小曝光时间越长。


无窗设计: 移除BeamPro传感器窗口,避免潜在干涉条纹

紫外线扩展: 可将波长范围扩展到紫外线区域至190nm

附加滤镜:  The default BeamPro configuration includes one ND4 filter. Additional filter with different specifications can be ordered

Custom version on request: BeamPro is based on different types of cameras (resolution, pixel size, sensor material) and can be customized on request

High dynamic range: Software mode to increase the dynamic range of the BeamPro signal acquisition from 12 to 16 bits. Not compatible with pure single-shot measurements as 2 images are necessary to build one beam profile image

真空兼容: 最高适用于真空度高达,可将光束仪放置在超高真空腔室内直接进行测量(仅适用于部分型号,请联系我们获取详情)

外部触发器: 将仪器快门动作同步到外部信号,以准确进行单脉冲测量

Beam profiler software STAR

  • 即便在分辨率大于两千万像素时,仍可实时读取光束数据
  • 支持多种参数及方法(包括ISO计算标准)
  • 背景噪声及像热点优化处理,获得最佳的动态和信噪比
  • 带有客户端/服务器接口,可通过网络远程控制
  • 测量结果记录并可永久访问10个保存的测量数据
  • 可同时比较多达10个不同的测量结果
  • 一键安装,可自定义配置,带数据导出向导